In the dark Chanson „Don´t Be Scared“ Alwa Glebe sings in a poetic way about the destiny to cope with pain and isolation. The video was shot in the heart of Berlin at Potsdamer Platz / Leipziger Strasse and emphasizes the serenity and the flow of thoughts of this song.

Alwa Glebe sings in this mysterious love song „Into The Dark Blue Sea“ about the merging of dream and reality. Filmed on a cold winter day in Berlin the dark chanson takes us on a journey into a world of fantasy.

The German artist Alwa Glebe in the award-winning international migraine documentary by the New Yorker Filmteam Jacki Ochs and Susanna Styron ("A part of me", bonus track). The filming took place in 2011 at her place of work and residence in East Thuringia.


"As can be seen from Alwa Glebe’s migraine-inspired work, migraine experiences can also

be transformed into works of art without the artist’s conscious choice to do so either on her own decision or acting on someone else’s request.

Moreover, her work shows that such migraine-inspired artwork can achieve other functions than expressing and communicating the experiences that occur as signs and symptoms of migraines or sufferers’ reactions to the disease: as a matter of fact, all of the functions that have hitherto been attributed to good art by artists, philosophers of art and art scientists.

That is, migraine-inspired art is art."


Dr. Klaus Podoll /  "Migraine Aura as Source of Artistic Inspiration in the German 'Dark Chanteuse' Alwa Glebe" (Neurology of Music / F. Clifford Rose, London 2010)

Pain is a leitmotif in many Alwa Glebe´s dark chansons. In „Against The Pain“, the pain accompanies her every step of the way, but nevertheless points beyond it.

Title track from Alwa Glebe's second album "Irrlichter" (2005). Restored and remastered version from 2021.

The video shows the unpacking of the CD ALWA GLEBE "Against The Pain".